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Become a Member

Join the Monmouthshire Show Society as a Member and you can help support one of the oldest agricultural shows in the country.


Membership, £20 a year, includes:

  • Single Adult Membership to the Monmouthshire Show Society

  • Free Admission to the Monmouthshire Show

  • ​Use of the Members Ringside Enclosure and bar

  • Option to invite guests to join you in the Members Enclosure

  • Complimentary hot drinks

  • Option to pre-order food from our caterers, Woods of Whitchurch

  • Invitation to attend, and vote at, the Society's General Meetings


Additional Family Membership, £14 a year per additional Member

Can only be purchased in conjunction with standard Membership.  


Junior Membership, £10 a year per Junior Member (Under 16)

Can only be purchased in conjunction with standard Membership.


Vice President, £55 a year, includes:

  • Membership to the Monmouthshire Show Society

  • 2 Free Admission passes to the Monmouthshire Show

  • VP Car Parking

  • ​Use of the Members Ringside Enclosure and bar

  • Option to invite guests to join you in the Members Enclosure

  • Complimentary hot drinks

  • Option to pre-order food from our caterers, Woods of Whitchurch

  • Invitation to attend, and vote at, the Society's General Meetings​​


To apply for Membership, please click on the button below.


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